Heavy Horse Societies
The Shire Horse Society: Website of the Shire Horse Society (UK)
American Shire Horse Society: Website of the American Shire Horse Society
Australian Shire Horse Society: Website of the Australian Shire Horse Society
British Horse Loggers: Website of the British Horse Loggers Association (UK)
British Ridden Heavy Horse Society: Website of The British Ridden Heavy Horse Society (UK)
Clydesdale Horse Society: Website of the Clydesdale Horse Society (UK)
Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association: Website of the Hertfordshire Heavy Horse Association (UK)
Hollesley Bay Stud: Website of the Hollesley Bay stud of Suffolk Punches (UK)
Implement Society: Website of the Horse Drawn Implement Society (UK)
Percheron Horse Society: Website of the British Percheron Horse Society (UK)
SCHHA: Website of the Southern Counties Heavy Horse Association (UK)
SESHA: Website of The South Eastern Shire Horse Association (UK)
Suffolk Horse Society: Website of the Suffolk Horse Society (UK)
WCHHA: Website of the Western Counties Heavy Horse Society (UK)